Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Tribute to our Father

Today marks the 60 years of glory of the most humble, forgiving, honest and pious person I have ever known. And I am so proud to call this person my father
, that I have simply zero words to describe who he is and what he has meant to us - his children. We are not the only ones to be blessed with his presence in our lives - many many many of his friends, family member and simple acquaintances will easily vouch for his simplicity and purity of heart. On this very special day I share
this letter we (My brother and I) wrote to him to express our deepest gratitude for his never ending love and care.

Our Dearest Papa,

It’s after all these years that that this special day has come when we truly want to celebrate you and your lifetime achievements and yet, it’s hardly enough to describe what you do and what you have done for us and our family. You have taught us, personally, so much. Our gratitude and love for you is immeasurable.

You taught us to work hard and enjoy family. You taught us the price of honesty and that it cannot be negotiated. You taught us about life by always setting up a personal example… and we are humbly grateful to you – our life long teacher.

When we were young, I would wake you up in the middle of the night asking for milk- fearing that I would suckle my thumb otherwise and you would get up every single night to fetch me milk. We would wake you up to go to the bathroom with us since we were scared and you would give up you sleep just to comfort us and make us feel secure… for this we are grateful to you - our pillar of strength and support.

When we were growing up, you were stern when you needed to be, but mostly loving because you just couldn’t stand not loving us for a single moment. Never once did we not feel your love, even when you were angry. For this – your immense patience with us and never seizing love we are grateful to you – our guide and mentor.

And now, that we have grown, we remember the mornings we have had together and the many more mornings we will share. Although, the distances have increased physically, but we always remain close in thoughts and heart and the most important thing that has not changed is how we still look up to you - our Hero, our Guide and the Best Friend ever!

We love you, our dearest Papa, exactly like we told you when we were young… “we love you like the sun, big and warm and shiny”

With Love,
Your Children