The first day of preschool has arrived (Monday Sept 21) and it's time for our little darling to begin an educational journey that will last nearly two decades. Gosh is she really that grown-up already – I remember bringing her home from the hospital, like it was yesterday!!
The night before, I talked to Gauri about her special day (she seemed very excited),
I am ready for School (the day before)
picked her attire for the morning, packed some snack, she packed her back-pack with all sorts of stuff, teddy, doll, hair clip, toy cell phone, nighty-night Lucy book, a pair of clothing etc…..Alarms were set, with breakfast menu on mind, we went to bed early.
As we reached the school gate, I was feeling like I was going to cry any minute and as I dropped her off to her class and she asked me “mumma where are you going” my face turned red, my eyes were barely able to hold the tears in them any more, thanks to the teacher for pushing me to leave while letting Gauri know that I’ll be back after "picking up some groceries".
With little over 2 hours in hand, I did some grocery shopping (with no one asking to sit in those big- loud toycar shopping carts, so hard to maneuver and always stuck in the checkout lanes!), some laundry folding and organizing, and yes I also ate some breakfast that day! Yuppie!!.
Apart from all this, I had only one thing going on in the background – a hard-to-resist-urge to call the preschool about fifty times to ask, “Is she happy? Does she look happy? What’s she doing right now? How about now? Isn’t she wonderfully terrific? Don’t you agree she’s the most fantastic child ever? Does she look happy now? And now?”
God, I couldn’t wait to pick her up (no wonder I was sitting in the parking lot 20 minutes before the pick-up time). I miss my darling baby. And as soon as I picked her up – we hugged (real tight) and she asked “did baba and Neel miss me” and as Neel woke up from his nap and saw Gauri, he uttered excitedly - “ge-ge”; that’s it!! – Gauri said “I think mumma Neel missed me because he is smiling at ge-ge” (We think Neel calls Gauri Ge-ge). Gauri had the most wonderful stories to tell me all the way home !! :)
"I am ready to study too"