Saturday, May 09, 2009

Let's celebrate Mothers

Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing women whose nick name is any of the following:

“Ma, Mother, Mummy, Mommy, Mom, Mum…” basically, “mother” in any language. You are all fabulous, doing a great job and know that you mean the world to your children.

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs I have ever had, since the payment is abundance of - pure love. And after being a full time mommy myself, I truly believe that all mothers are “working mothers" and their job does not end ever – not even after the kids go to bed or when they are away from her because a mother never quite leaves her children at home/ daycare/ babysitter - even when she doesn't take them along she is still always thinking about them. So here’s to all the mothers and mother like figures who have worked so so so very hard every day (and night) of their life to serve (their children) unconditionally!! Cheers to you all!!

I read this wonderful Quote by a writer named Rajneesh -

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

How very true – I believe it’s a God’s blessing to be a mother. As a woman I would have never realized the pleasure of loving someone unconditionally; never realized that I had the strength to sleep only couple of hours (if even that) every night and still have the sanity to care for an infant day and night; I would have never realized that nothing can warm my heart like when my child smiles back at me, that most precious birthday present is not another diamond but opening my eyes to the soft sound of my child singing “happy Birthday” to me. So here’s to our children who made us mothers and made us COMPLETE – Cheers!!

And last but not the least, here’s to MY MOM –

She was a petite woman (as some of you already know) but she had a heart so large that everybody's joys found welcoming abode in it, every ones sorrows found a hospitable accommodation in it .

Ma, I miss you every day of my life, your image is the deepest impression on my heart and your voice still resounds in me. You are like a never ending song of comfort, happiness and belonging-ness in my heart; the words of which I may sometimes forget but I always remember the tune.

Special thanks to hubby dear, for giving up their wife to be a mother first, for living with a woman who the kids sometimes (or should I say almost all the time) driving absolutely insane and crazy and far from being perfect and most of all accepting the new woman that emerges from sleeplessness, screaming kids, no time to shower, seen mostly in sweat-pants, cooking meals with either too much salt or too little sugar, who either sings a lullaby or yells or talks in sarcasm - basically a woman they didn't marry!! So to you dear hubby for accepting us with all our imperfections.