Saturday, September 04, 2010

A New Chapter

Happy Feet (and Happy Face too)

I can either say ‘Another chapter closed” or “A New chapter begins....” just depends on how I feel about our darling little daughter, the baby we “just” brought home from the hospital, flap her wings to fly into open air, a little further away from us, a little bit on her own, making new friendships, learning new things, moving out from just our company to the company of kids her age and ALL-READY for pre-school.
Gauri started pre-school and we are very proud of her. But it breaks my heart to see her go, holding hands of her teacher and her friend, excited to start a new chapter in her life, not looking back even once... I am so happy she is taking this transition so well. She sounds happy, excited and completely relaxed about pre-school. Fortunately, her friend from summer camp “Sydney” is in the same class as her, and that makes it bit more easy for her to adjust in this new environment.

Good luck my "sweet pea"; do your very best and may Fame and Success be yours!

Gauri’s First School: Charles Barnum in Groton
School Program: Peer role model
Gauri’s First Teacher: Mrs. Amy Nixon
Gauri’s First Day at school: Sept 2nd 2010