Sunday, October 31, 2010

Memoirs of a beautiful summer

Oh what a beautiful, eventful summer we had this year - filled with Tons of activities, amazing time together, new things discovered, old traditions re-lived, cooking, playing, meeting friends/ family and just about everything to call it a memorable summer.
Both Kids, attended a summer reading program at out local library in Groton. While Gauri loves books and making new friends during the story time, Neel just likes to do puzzles or just knock some books down the shelves.
Gauri and Neel listening to a story with arms around each other
Not too bad at puzzles
Gauri love of reading finds her reading even at a Gap store :)
We were so lucky to meet a Kid's celebrity - Steve from Steve Songs on PBS. Gauri Absolutely loves his silly songs in the morning and you can catch her humming those throughout the day. She was sumer excited to meet Steve in person and to dance to his singing.

This year was the performance year at Gauri’s Ballet school, at at only 3.5 half years Gauri had her first stage performance. Oh Boy did she ever look cuter? It was an amazing experience for both Gauri and me, while on one hand it was very hectic for both of us attending the innumerable practice sessions (specially along with Neel in the waiting area or Audience) and Gauri did get a stage fright or what she called “afraid of the backstage Dark”,she screamed and cried and refused to go on stage during the Dress rehearsal, but Thanks to God she did finally went on the stage on the final day of performance. I was crying the whole time when was dancing and Neel was yelling “geggey” clapping and jumping with excitement.

Both Kids started swimming this summer and had great fun. Gauri decided to continue learning this fall and is doing so well. Finally, our little mermaid is showing the same passion for water as her dad. She is always on step ahead of her instructor and swims like a fish.

This year we also did some fruit picking, from strawberries, to blueberries to Peaches, Apples and now pumpkins. We picked them all and enjoyed eating them too. This was such fun and kids absolutely loved it.

Gauri attended the Sunshine Camp - a summer camp program from Groton and she had a blast there. She made two very wonderful friends there Alyssa and Sydney who continues to be her really close friends now specially after her losing her dear friend Shealyn to her dad’s work transfer. Summer camp was such a hit - the kids were hugging each other and crying on the last day.

We also visited the Seaport museum and Kids museum in mystic several times this year. The three of us love the Horse-carriage ride there and to dress up like sailor and pirates :) 

Neel not only stacks blocks, but just about anything.

Neel is turning out to be so funny, absolute goof ball, sneaky and mischievous and somewhat destructive too. He walks with his both arms spread out so he can grab something and throw it as he walks. Climbing up, all the way to the top of the fridge by stacking things, and making tall “block” towers is his favorite hobby. He also "loves" to help mum in the kitchen - now that's another story how much help I need cleaning up after he has helped me in the kitchen.

Making big messes with colors and latest with flour (at his uncle’s house) yet other favorites of Neel.

Over all we had an amazing summer and with festivals staring, and naanu (My dad) visiting us, we are happily moving on to a colorful fall.