Friday, June 04, 2010

Summer Starts with Strawberry Picking

Call it Pick-your-own, PYO or you-pick, the idea of picking your own fruit and vegetables is absolutely fantastic, specially for young kids (and adults as well, when you are picking mouth-watering-red-oozing-with-juice strawberries). 

With the season fast approaching, I was having a craving to go strawberry picking for past few days. The store bought strawberries are “trash-able” compared to the local-grown; I, anyway hate the idea of cold-storage and transporting fruits across the country. Its the worst thing you can do to your fruits. I love local and therefore wait for the summer.

This morning Neel, Gauri and I headed off to Scott Yankee’s Farm near our place to explore the idea of PYO with kids. I wasn’t sure if Neel would like it since he doesn't seem very comfortable with grass etc. I think its just the feeling of greens on bare foot that doesn't appeal the young kids, Gauri was exactly the same way but soon converted into a gardner of er own kind :) I am sure Neel’s on the same path too.

Anyway, the kids had a blast at the farm, despite the scorching heat outside (89 F) both didn't want to leave the farm. After tasting several strawberries and finally discovering that the small red ones were the juiciest, my smarty-pants Ms. G was busy looking for perfect strawberries to put in her container, 

and Neel was just exploring the BIG open farm - with no worries of where Mom was, he would just walk away real far from us with his fuzzy friend Jojo (the monkey on his back), get down occasionally and squish some red temptation in his tiny mouth; I almost caught him red-handed several times.
(sorry Image too small, click on it to enlarge)

I had to drag them back to the farm stand to pay and head back home. By this time, our faces and clothes were somewhat red with sun and all the strawberries we “tasted”, we had lots of fruit to bring back home for us and friends to share with. 

Gauri said on our way back “mumma, why do we buy strawberries from Grocery store, we should always get our own”!! What a great experience and learning for kids.
Thanks to whoever came up with the idea of pick your own. We will surely be going back for more strawberries and Blueberries, Raspberries and Apples too when the season starts.


Anonymous said...

Wowieee...this is indeed a wonderful experience for the kids. the pictures are so lovely and both of them are so adorable. so bhabhi we are also waiting to receive some strawberries...did gauri pick some of them for us too...?
Lots of love to gauri & Neel

Kriti's Akriti said...

very nice snaps didi they are looking sooooooooo cute.

Not so perfect mom of Neel & Gauri said...

Thanks Tanu and Kriti, glad you liked the pictures.
Tanu, yes we did pick more strawberries than we could consume, so we will make a strawberry preserve VERY specially for you :)

two 'lil weeds mama said...

how wonderful those must have been to EAT! Yummmmmmmy. I too hate purchasing berries in the grocery store. Looks like the farm was loads of fun.

Unknown said...

Fruit-picking is a lot of fun!You should also do the apple picking in fall.