Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My American Baby Shower

On Oct-21-2006, a couple of friends got together to throw me and the baby an incredible baby shower. Thanks to Pam, Chantal, Jane and Manish for an unforgettable afternoon filled with love, laughter and friends. I couldnt have asked for anything more - Wishes, Blessings and company of people I Love. Thanks to all the guests for spending that afternoon with us and making it a special day for us.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I dreamt of you

The world of dreams can sometimes be so real, so vivid, so pleasant that you wish you could start the it all over again, once more. Through dreams, you enter into a mysterious and fascinating world where the rules of reality do not apply.
They say that pregnant women dream of weird things like their water broke in a busy place, or that they had to rush to the hospital when they were still far from their dues date and many more scarier ones.

I generally do not dream much, at least I don’t remember them, even if I do dream, but this one I remember so clearly, so vividly and so fondly.
I saw you my little ‘sweet-pea”, standing at the top of the stair case holding the wooden siding with one hand and in the other arm holding a light brown teddy. I remember, you were in your night PJs and a T-shirt both of which had – small teddy bear print all over. I close my eyes but I can’t paint your face, but I can see the expressions on your face…. You had a funny face as it just woke up from your sleep and not finding us near you, you came out of bed, with a complaining face… You look so adorable, so innocent and so so very cute that I feel like reaching out and touching your cute little face. And yes daddy and I are standing at the bottom of the stairs, just watching you in amazement in absolute awe!

I have never seen something, someone so cute, so adorable, so innocent, so Charming and Breathtaking. I close my eyes and wish for the dream to continue…….

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Baby Shower - to have or not to have !!!!

In every culture pregnancy and child birth is a very happy and sacred phase not only in a woman's life but also for the family. Traditionally, in Indian culture, pregnant woman is considered very sacred and her well being is taken care by all family, relatives and friends. According to Vedic scriptures 7th month is very special because most of the fetal development has taken place by now. So, in the seventh month a special celebration is organized by the women in the family. All women gather around the mom-to-be and say prayers asking that all will be well with the mom-to-be. Its also a time for fun and pranks. Men are usually kept out and that add to their curiosity - to know what these women are doing afterall.

I am now 8 weeks from my due date and ideally I should have had the 7th celebration by now, and as a matter of fact I did. But since we live here in the States, so far away from home, we didn't celebrate in the traditional way. One Sunday morning on advice of my MIL, I woke up early, bathed and dressed up in new clothes, wore all my jewelry, and headed down to my kitchen to prepare some food and sweets for my 7th months puja (celebration). I made a few dishes, all that I could in this physical state, and my husband I did some puja and asked the gods for their blessings for out baby to be. We then called up all elders of our family to receive their blessings too. I did the virtual charan-sparsh - ah the boons of inetrnet age!
It felt a bit weird at that time and I have to admit I did miss being surrounded by my family at that time, what saddened me most was it was my first pregnancy and I was doing this for myself and there was no big celebration. But I was happy from injust juts to know that my baby-to-be was being blessed by so many wonderful family members and the Gods.

So that was one side of the story. But it would be unfair to complain anything about this situation because when you are loved, it come to you in different forms, through different people. Just like 2 days ago I received a call from a good friend and co-worker insisting that I agree to let her throw me a baby-shower. I was so over-whelmed with her offer that I didn't know what to say. She spent the precious evening time that she would have rather spent talking to her husband after a long work day, or having a nice relaxing dinner, instead, trying to convince me to let her and a couple of other friends (whose names she refused to disclose) organize a baby shower for me and the baby .I was moved and deeply touched by this very kind gesture. I cant thank God enough for surrounding me with such wonderful people in this distant land.

So yes I have yet to decide if I am willing to let them throw me a baby showe. I know my friends are waiting for my response, I just haven't figured it out if I will be comfortable with this idea and most importantly, the idea of a registry. Now that's a whole new topic - "Gift Registry", and being from the background that I am from, its not something I can digest and and adopt to most naturally!

Monday, September 11, 2006

A Letter to our baby

This is my first Blog post and I am writing this in my third trimester (exactly 9 weeks before our baby's due date), waiting anxiously to meet this little one that has been moving around day-in and day-out inside me, reminding me every moment that I am not alone any moment now and that "its' with me always.... :-) What a lovely feeling it is to be expecting a child, I didnt realise it untill we were blessed to be parents. So here's my attempt to express our anticipation of this new life, in the form of a poem: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Like a warm embrace of sweet summer breeze, I feel you everyday.
Tossing and turning you flutter inside me each passing day.

You started your journey as a tiny seed of hope that grew each day.
Now you and I share a special bond that's unique in its own way.

I stop and cherish your every move each and every day,
Your Dad and I are anxious because we know you are on your way.

We wait so patiently to see your loving face,
For we know, it will be filled with wonderful loving grace.

You are the biggest miracle sent to us from heaven above,
Just know, we will be there to care for you and to love.

I thank the Lord for giving you to me,
for choosing us as your Mommy and Daddy to be.

I dream and imagine, what a bundle of joy you would be
and for now I just call you - my little "sweet-pea".

O' my sweet baby, my sugar pie, we want you to know,
You filled our blue sky with a beautiful rainbow!
