Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thank God

Now this may look like a really cute funny face, but some serious business was going on when this picture was taken.
So last friday at bath time we had something that I have been dreading for a long time now. When Gauri was in the middle of her water fun in her bath tub, she suddenly announced - "Mumma I need to go elmo potty". I thought I didnt hear her correctly so I confirmed "You need to go potty?" and then she literally screamed "Emmo Pooppuuuuuuuuu".....
Oh shoot she was not kidding she wanted to go and I had just put shampoo on her head and she was all covered with soap, I quickly scooped her out of the tub and put her on her emmo potty and there you go..... (you can imagine what - right?)
2 seconds later she said "Mumma its hot" - "hot?" I thought to myself and then I noticed goose pumps all over her wet body. Oh she meant she was cold (somehow she does not say cold - only hot). I quickly wrapped her in the towel and let her do her business.

Once warm and done with her P business, she staretd acting all silly and that when I took these funny pictures.

Later I thanked her for informing me in a timely manner. Can't be more thankful to her, because had she not told me, I cant even begin to imagine what a mess it would have been in that bath tub!! She is truly wonderful, always helping her mommy!!

I thought this was too funny (although the thought of her not being able to tell me in time still scares me at times during the bath time)

1 comment:

two 'lil weeds mama said...

Unfortunately, I can't tell you we have not experienced what your fearful of with 'p' in the tub- early on i got to enjoy (? whatever you want to call it, maybe deal with, rather than enjoy), that very thing.

Phew, thank goodness Gauri told you & in time! Hooray for Gauri, way to go. =) Very silly pictures, I was wondering how you could have possibly had your camera so close, but then read after the fact... you got these shots. She sounds like quite the little ham these days.